List of Seller Capabilities:
Find Expected Time
(In how many days will this property sell?)
Find Probability for
Price (What are the odds of selling for this price?)
Find Probability and
Expected Time for Price (What are the odds of selling for
this price? In how many days?)
Find Time for Price
(What is the expected time for selling at this price?)
Find Probability for
Price and Time (What are the odds of selling at this price and
within this timeframe?)
Find Price for
Probability (What sales price would have these odds?)
Find Price and Expected
Time for Probability (What sales price and timeframe would have these
odds? - price is more important)
Find Time and Expected
Price for Probability (What timeframe and sales price would have these
odds? - time is more important)
Find Price for
Probability and Time (What price would have these odds, within this
Find Probability for
Time (What are the odds of selling within this timeframe?)
Find Probability and
Expected Price for Time (What are the odds and expected sales price for
selling within this timeframe?)
Find Price for Time
(What is the expected sales price for selling within this timeframe?)
Selection (What
properties best meet my needs, in terms of pricing, time, and probability of
Find Probability and
Expected List price for Time (What are the odds of selling within this
timeframe, and how should I list my property to sell within this timeframe?)
Find List
Price for Time
(How should I list my property to sell within this timeframe?)
Find List
Price for
Probability (How should I list my property to attain these odds of
Find List
Price and
Expected Time for Probability (How should I list my property, and what
timeframe should I expect, for these odds of selling?)
Find Time and Expected
List price for Probability (What timeframe and list price would give me
these odds of selling?)
Find List
Price for
Probability and Time (What list price would give me these odds of selling,
within this timeframe?)
Maximize Expected Value
(What pricing strategy will maximize sales revenue, within my
target time, probability and pricing?)
Average Overall
Expected Value (Estimate income)
Market Averages
(Determine market trends, for example: Trend of sales price with respect to time)