RealNegotiate Announces First User-Friendly Data-Mining Software for Real Estate
media@RealNegotiate.comRealNegotiate Team: Computer Scientist and Statistician, RealNegotiate Inventor and PresidentLicensed Real Estate Sales
Professional, State of California
How much should we list this property at?
How soon will it sell? How much faster will it sell if we
reduce the price by $5,000?
What is the probability of getting a higher offer, in the
next 30 days?
Buyers: How much should I offer to get this property? What
are the odds of buying at this price? Within the next 30 days?
Answering these questions accurately can bring real estate
professionals, sellers and buyers faster sales, with thousands of
dollars in additional revenue or savings. RealNegotiate Software
provides concrete answers based on market data (from any MLS), with
easy-to-use, customizable scenarios. RealNegotiate is the first
data-mining tool for real estate, with a return of over 3,000% on the
price of the software, helping meet your goals for:
Time: how quickly the property is purchased or sold,
Price: the best list price, offer and sales price, and Probability:
the likelihood of a successful purchase/sale at your price and time
This is a new approach to pricing properties and
negotiating transactions. By reducing the element of
uncertainty, and giving people a concrete way to analyze of the effect of timing
and pricing, RealNegotiate can make real estate negotiation easier and more
Research in Scientific American (Sigmund et al, “The
Economics of Fair Play”, January 2002) indicates that regardless of
whether you are buying or selling, using a software-generated
negotiating position will significantly increase the likelihood of
reaching an agreement that is more favorable to you. The data-centric
negotiation approach has been highlighted in a number of recent media,
including the Real Estate Journal Sales Trends (May 2003).
RealNegotiate is the first data
mining software for real estate negotiation and decision-making.
RealNegotiate helps
professionals and their clients buy for the lowest price, sell for the highest
price, and maximize real estate sales revenue, all within the fastest time and
highest likelihood of success.. The RealNegotiate team includes licensed
real estate professionals and computer scientists, who are available to assist
customers as needed. You can learn more about RealNegotiate, view demos, and
purchase the software at