With RealNegotiate, you can "do it yourself" with
RealNegotiate Software, or our licensed team
can do the work for you, providing you with an analysis report and price
recommendation. This page discusses RealNegotiate Software, namely
how it works, and the versions
available. RealNegotiate Software is a desktop tool that you install once, and
never expires. There is also a very affordable
monthly subscription option for the Professional version.
You do not need to have an Internet connection to use
RealNegotiate Software, so it can be used at open houses, client
presentations, etc.
How it Works
RealNegotiate conducts 100% objective, direct
statistical analysis of CMA data to determine how to achieve your home
purchase or sales goals. See the
buyer brochure or seller
brochure for some of the questions RealNegotiate can answer. The CMA data
can be
provided by RealNegotiate, or we can
customize your copy of the software to automatically read files generated
by your MLS. For more info, see the FAQ. The steps to
use RealNegotiate are:
1. You simply create and save (or request that we
acquire) a CMA that includes list price, sales price and days on market for
each sold property.
2. Save the CMA on your computer (preferably
directly on your hard-drive, or to a folder on your hard-drive)
3. Start RealNegotiate and select your priorities
and goals, whether you are buying and selling, and also browse for the CMA
file (the same as you would in Windows or email).
4. Then just click the "Find" button, and
RealNegotiate analyzes the data in the CMA file to find how to reach your
goals, within the parameters and priorities that you have set.
Ø For large purchases
(corporate customers, major firms, etc) we provide both volume pricing and
live interactive training. Contact
sales@realnegotiate.com for a quote
RealNegotiate offers 3
versions of the software:
1. RealNegotiate Professional, which includes tools for buyers, sellers
and investors (including when buying and selling properties during the same
period of time). This version includes extensive free support, valid up to 180 days from purchase.
You can also always
purchase additional support. See:
2. RealNegotiate
Seller has all the tools needed for sellers and
seller agents, and includes free support, valid up
to 30 days from purchase. You can also always
purchase additional support. See:
3. RealNegotiate
Buyer has all the tools needed for buyers and
buyer agents,
and includes free support, valid up to 30 days from
You can also always
purchase additional support.